Snow 179

7th December 2022


Pontoon Safety at Bangor Marina

Keeping you safe on the pontoons

With the evenings getting dark early, we felt we should give a little reminder about safety whilst on the pontoons. Throughout the coming months, please take great care when visiting your boat. Please use extreme caution when stepping on and off your boat or when crossing any water space, familiarise yourself with the location of the nearest safety ladder and make a plan of how you would get yourself out of the water should the worst happen. We always recommend that you wear a lifejacket when going afloat, even when on the pontoons.

Pontoons are slippery when icy and wet.
The cold temperatures are creeping in so again be mindful that the pontoons will be frosty and slippery, particularly during early mornings and evenings. During frosty periods we will salt the access ramp and Pontoon E; salt is available to all boat owners who wish to salt their finger pontoon, the salt bin is located at the bottom of the ramp. We would also recommend that you wear appropriate footwear.

Safety Ladders
Location of fixed safety ladders - please note that safety ladders are within 25 metres of any walkway within the marina. Portable emergency ladders are also available. Please keep the yellow plated marked holes on the pontoons clear. The studs on the portable ladders fit into these holes to ensure the ladders don't slip when recovering someone from the water. As an emergency precaution, we encourage all boat owners to leave boarding ladders unlocked/unlatched to aid self-recovery from the water.

Pontoon Lights
The lighting on the pontoons is checked daily (or nightly!) and we make any repairs and replace bulbs when needed, if we have missed any please let us know.

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